Sunday, September 30, 2007

Ben and Sue Day 22

Day 22, Friday, September 28, 2007

. . .Today I had chemotherapy and actually when I first arrived at Johns Hopkins I was apprehensive -- hoping all the paperwork had preceeded me -- hoping they would have the right medicine and the rightamount.  Everything turned out quite well though -- the nurses were quite knowledgeable and friendly and helpful.  Their procedures worked out differently than in Seattle and as a result it did not take nearly as long.  After chemo Ben and Sara and I stopped for lunch,  then did a few errands and returned home.  Ben and Sara rew up here in Baltimore -- Ben left at 18 to enlist in the Air Force.  Sara has lived here all her life since a little girl --   I think she said 5 years old.  Ben kept commenting on how much everything had changed as with nearly everywhere -- wbere there used to be fields to run and play in -- now there are houses and businesses.

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